“Microservices Community” (MC) is a common association (almindelig
forening) founded in Denmark following Danish jurisdiction. MC is a
non-profit European based international community.
§2 Purpose
The purpose of the MC is to promote the development of Microservices by
bridging research, education, and innovation within and between
businesses, universities, organisations and individuals.
The purpose will be supported by undertaking activities such as:
Organising and sanctioning conferences and workshops
Developing joint projects
Developing courses and curricula
Provide access to material created or curated by the community
Actions to strengthen the visibility of the community and its
Facilitate recruitment for its members
Strengthen dialog with policy makers and funding bodies
Mapping, analysing and developing strategies for the community
§3 Members
The members of the MC can be individuals as well as organisations,
such as businesses and research institutions.
Everybody is welcome to join the MC if
they pay the membership fee to the MC; and
they participate in promoting the purpose described in §2.
Memberships can be terminated if:
a member does not pay the membership fee;
a member engages in behaviour or activities that undermines the
purpose described in §2 or engage in disruptive or unethical conduct
agreed by a majority of the Council (§4.4) members;
a letter of resignation is presented to the President by the
§4 Organisation and governance
The organs of the MC are the General Assembly, the Board, the Council,
and Community Groups
The General Assembly holds the highest authority
All members of the MC have a right to participate and vote in the
General Assembly.
The General Assembly takes place in person or happens
electronically every year and the Board can at any time call for an
extraordinary General Assembly and must do so on the request of more
than 1/3 of the members. An extraordinary General Assembly must take
place no later than 28 days after the request has been received by
the President, and it must be announced to all members no later 14
days before it will take place.
The Council decides on the agenda of the General Assembly and is
responsible to inform the members of the outcome of the General
Assembly. Proposals for the agenda may be made by any member of the
MC and must be sent to the President at least 20 days before the
General Assembly. Proposals supported by more than 10 members must
be put on the agenda by the Council.
Votes are carried by a simple majority of members and can happen
in person and/or electronically.
The General Assembly is chaired (prioritised) by
the President,
the Vice-President,
a Council Member or
a member elected by the Council.
The Board
The role of the Board is to ensure the administrative and
financial soundness of the MC in accordance to the purpose described
in §2.
The members of the Board must be individuals.
The Board consists of an odd number of minimum 3 members elected
by the General Assembly.
The Board elects a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and a Treasurer.
The Chairman is responsible, with the support of the Board to
organise the Board meeting and can at any time call for a
The MC is bound by the signature of its Chairman, Vice-Chairman
or Treasurer. The MC is represented in justice by its Chairman or by
a member of the Board chosen by the Board for that purpose.
Votes in the Board are carried by a simple majority of its
members and can happen in person and/or electronically.
Elections for Board members take place in uneven years with the
member receiving the biggest number of votes elected to the Board.
The election can happen in person at the General Assembly and/or
Nomination of candidates for the Board can be made by any member
of the MC in writing to the Chairman.
The Council
The role of the Council is to steer the MC to adhere to the
purpose described in §2 and support the day-to-day activities of the
MC, including decisions on the membership fee.
The members of the Council must
be individuals.
The Council consists of an odd number of minimum 5 members elected
by the General Assembly.
The Council elects a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, and
possibly other roles that support the purpose described in §2.
The President is responsible, with the support of the Council, to
organise the Council meeting and can at any time call a meeting.
Votes in the Council are carried by a simple majority of its
members and can happen in person and/or electronically.
Elections for Council members take place in uneven years with the
member receiving the biggest number of votes elected to the Council.
The election can happen in person at the General Assembly and/or
Nomination of candidates for the Council can be made by any member
of the MC in writing to the President.
The Community Groups
The Community Groups (CG) are sub-groups or task forces
established to implement the activities that support the purpose
outlined in §2 for example in the scope of research, innovation,
brokering and education.
Any member can at any time suggest creating a new CG in writing to
the President.
The Council must approve the CG for it to use the MC branding.
Upon creation, and subsequently every two year, the CG must agree on
a two-year action plan that will steer the work of the CG.
§5 Annual report
The financial year of the Association coincides with the calendar
The Board presents an annual report to the members no later than six
months after the end of the fiscal year.
The annual report should contain a balance-sheet, an overview of
assets and obligations, and an overview of the activities undertaken by
the MC in the past financial year.
§6 Liability
The MC accepts no liability for any activity carried out partly or
wholly on its behalf. The members of the MC have no personal liability
for the liability of the MC.
§7 Amending the statutes
Amending the MC Statutes can only happen by a 2/3 majority of the
votes cast in the General Assembly.
§8 Dissolving the association
Dissolving the association can only happen by a 3/4 majority of the
votes cast in two following General Assemblies.
After the decision to dissolve the Association the Council is
responsible for its execution and that any funds are spent in accordance
with the purpose outlined in §2. Decisions on these matters are happen
on the dissolving General Assembly.
§9 Dating
Decided on the founding General Assembly on 11. June 2019, statutes
revised on 03. July 2020.